know people

I hope you will aim higher for the happiness of those around you and yourself. Seiji Fujii, Senior Managing Director, Gift Holdings Co.

‍Delivering food sheer joy to many people

We are committed to creating stores that bring happiness not only to the customers in front of us, but also to our staff, based on the philosophy of "Shiawase, starting from yourself. In September 2020, we will be listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (now the Prime Market), and we are in the process of further improving our work environment and expanding our restaurants. In 2020, when we were affected by the new coronavirus, we realized once again that ramen is needed in the world. In an environment where people wanted to eat but could not go out to eat, we realized the great demand for delivery and take-out. We are striving every day not only to expand our company, but also to brighten the ramen industry as a whole.

Eighty percent of the customers of a ramen restaurant are repeat customers. It is very important to be remembered by customers, and the restaurant needs to be one that they will remember on a moment's notice. In order to keep customers coming back again and again, we must improve not only the taste of our ingredients, but also the quality of our service. We must emphasize sales with energy and smiles, and look carefully at the expressions on our customers' faces. In this way, we aim to create a restaurant that will be loved for a long time by customers who want to come back again and become "my go-to restaurant.

As we continue to expand our stores, we hear more and more comments of joy from our customers, such as "We have been waiting for you for a long time" and "You finally came to this area. We are happy that there is such demand for our products, and we will continue to meet the needs of our customers and create "food happiness" for the people of the world.

In order to respond to the wishes of many of our customers, we not only operate directly managed stores, but also produce businesses. In order to ensure that our customers do not feel the pain of losing their favorite stores, we analyze the demand in the area and neighborhood, and are particular about the selection of properties. We will continue to move toward our goal of 1,000 stores in Japan and 1,000 stores overseas.

We want both the other person and ourselves to be happy.

Our company's philosophy of "Make happiness start with you" was created with the hope that we can bring smiles to the faces of our loved ones and make them happy as well. This philosophy was created with the hope that we can bring smiles to the faces of our loved ones and make them feel happy as well. The important people in your life may be your family, your lover, or other loved ones. We believe that the most important people for the company are the people we work with and the customers who visit us. If we look at it from a broader perspective, we can expand the circle of shiawase to include vendors, neighbors, and others. If we can share this way of thinking and put our important people first, we will be able to do our work well.


In fact, most of our employees who are active in our company share this philosophy. More than the skill of making ramen, those who can empathize with our philosophy and way of thinking and move to embody it themselves are the ones who are growing every day. In order to instill our philosophy, we provide training to share our way of thinking and build the behaviors that accompany our values. Most of our work is not done by a single person, but rather by a team. We want to nurture as many leaders as possible, so we want our employees to learn through work experience how to embody our philosophy and act in a way that earns the trust of those around them.

The key to creating a good working environment for employees is to create an environment in which they can enjoy their work. To achieve this, it is imperative to give employees a sense of accomplishment on a daily basis. We value such a corporate culture and atmosphere, and strive to create a system that encourages each and every employee to work hard with a sense of fulfillment. Recently, we have established a consultation service for sexual harassment and power harassment so that individuals do not have to worry about small issues. Since people feel differently, we believe that creating an environment in which employees can consult with us about even trivial matters will lead to their peace of mind. These may be small details, but we believe that each and every one of them will lead to the creation of an enjoyable workplace, and we are striving for improvement on a daily basis.

Not only sympathy for our philosophy, but also upward mobility is important.

Our decision to list on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (now the Prime Market) in September 2020 was motivated by our desire to "become a company that is needed by the world. However, when we actually went public, we realized that there were many benefits for our employees as well. In this day and age when there are so many companies, any one of them could go bankrupt at any time. I feel that by going public and becoming a trustworthy company, it is easier for employees to buy cars and houses, and we are able to protect the livelihood of each of our employees. We believe that continuing to make profits and expanding our organization will ultimately benefit our employees.


As the company has expanded, our staff has grown to over 3,000 people. With such a large number of people, it is very difficult for all of them to take the same actions. In order to improve this situation, we are currently working on creating a system to reduce and simplify unnecessary work. Of course, the skill to make ramen is important, but what we place more importance on is human nature. People who have earned the trust of others will naturally move around and produce results more efficiently. We believe that by promoting shortening the time required to serve ramen and the usual cleaning time, we can make it easier for employees to work and provide pleasant service.


The common thread that runs through all of our employees who have been successful and have held positions in our company is whether or not they are upwardly mobile. If you are the type of person who wants to do things tightly and firmly, or if you have a backward-looking mindset that does not want to take risks, it may be difficult. We look forward to working with people who share our sales style, which emphasizes smiles and energy, and who can work for the sheer happiness of others and themselves.

Seiji Fujii Profile

Born on September 22, 1980. Moved from Hokkaido to Kanagawa, Japan, and joined a Chinese restaurant at the age of 20. 3 years of training, then moved on to sales at a newspaper distributor. 28 years old, he discovered Iekei Ramen and joined Gift Co. to start his own business. 2011, he became the managing director of Gift Co. His hobby is drinking with friends and business associates. On his days off, he coaches his son's baseball team. His motto is "Life is interesting because there are peaks and valleys.

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